Wordpress is a great platform for getting your thoughts out to the world. Unfortunately unscrupulous spammers also want to use your blog as a vehicle for spreading useless messages.
The main spam problem on Wordpress is comment spam. The origin of this is that people try to get links back to their own websites by leaving a comment containing a link on your blog. Sometimes the comment left makes little or no sense. Some bloggers have found themselves under attack as spammers use automated bots to find blogs that will allow them to leave a comment.
There is a way around this. The first is to use the plugin that is provided by Wordpress called Askimet. This is available on installation of all new blogs and just needs to be enabled. This plugin has a 'learning ability'. If some spam gets through its filter, mark it as spam (don't delete it) and the program will get more efficient at recognizing spam in the future. Similarly, check the spam messages regularly and if a legitimate comment is incorrectly labeled as spam mark it 'despam' and this will help train the software.
Another plugin that is popular for preventing comment spam is called Spam Karma 2. This program rates each comment and then decides if it is likely to be spam or not. It is available for free.
Another important step to take is to make sure that only registered users can comment. This will help cut down on the junk that is generated by spambots. To do this go to the admin panel and select 'Users must be registered and logged in to comment'.
These precautions will help you cut down the wasted time that you spend dealing with comment spam on your Wordpress blog.
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