Even though many authors and speakers have already said over and over again to avoid spamming there are still hundreds of marketers doing it. Why? Is it really worth the time and effort just to get delivered into spam?
Spamming is like trespassing in real world, in short you are not allowed in wherever that may be. There are a lot of reasons why you shouldn't spam. And I know you might have heard a lot of it but I'll just write it down anyways so that you are reminded.
o Your chance to be read is .01% or less
That's almost nothing. Spam folders are known to have trash emails. Only a few people look into it and most of the time they are probably only looking for something that their friends have mistakenly sent. Good on you if you catch their attention and make them open it. But that would be like wishing for a rain in dry season or wishing for a sun at midnight.
Now, there are a lot of opt-in lists for sale, do not get hooked on it. Because some of them are just random emails, or something that do not even exist already. If you want your email marketing to be fruitful then work hard for your opt-in list, offer free membership, or free ebook, whatever you fancy just work it out yourself, do not ask for a free ride, because the consequences are not worth it.
o You can get banned
In forums, spammers get banned, so if you try to spam to get a sale immediately then your existence on that particular forum would also be finished immediately. And often you'll also be black listed on other forums as well, so before you try on spamming, think twice first, and make sure that you think ahead, not just on what you can get now but on what you can have in the future. So if you really want to create traffic using forums, then you should try earning their trust first by posting relevant stuff before telling / selling them your products.
Forums are for making friends that will eventually be your customers, not making customers then eventually will be your friends.
o You might get penalized
Some unethical Internet marketers created something called "link farms". The idea was quite simple a huge network of servers linking to various sites that in theory would increase your links in thus increase your popularity. But search engines have also created something that could detect legitimate links, which makes link farms some sort of a spam. Some are even penalized by search engines by having so much links to websites that are not related to them. The best way to get around this is to work a little harder though it might consume much more time, but your efforts will soon be rewarded with higher spots on search engines and legitimate spots as well.
Spamming as they say is illegal, though it requires lesser work but often get flushed out the toilet, unread and unwanted. That is not how internet marketing works, it's called business because you work for every little bit of it, but is paid off with every little cent as well. So, I say, spamming is only for bummers, it is for those who are too lazy to be successful, for those who doesn't learn, don't be one of them. Don't spam.
Track Down the Spammer - Search by Email Address Which Email Client Has the Best Spam Filter? Take Extra Precautions and Stop Spam The Scourge of Spam and How to Tackle It Spam Filtering For Small Businesses - Increase Productivity and Protect Your Data
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